Sunday Afternoons and Cool Breezes

Sunday afternoons are my favorite. Especially when the sun is shining brightly on a cool November day.

Sitting here in my comfy chair and listening to relaxing music, I decided it was time to get back to my blog. I’ve missed writing, sharing, and I’ve missed you. So, with the screens in my windows and the breezes blowing through, I wanted to give you a bit of an update on life here with my family in our little corner of North Carolina.

Bob has been gainfully employed for almost 2 years now, and after almost a 4 year unemployment nightmare, we are so grateful for that paycheck. Getting back on financial track has not been easy, but we have each other and for the most part, we have our health albeit those aches and pains from simply growing older. The body breaks down like everything else I suppose.

Sarah is in her Sophomore year at UNCC and will be transferring to Appalachian State in the Spring. She is doing outstanding. We are so proud of her. Still on track for a Medical Degree, she hopes to someday work in the medical field helping children.

Matthew is a junior in high school and doing well. He plays the piano daily and entertains us with his genius. Yes, genius. He plays random tunes that he composes and creates on the fly. I don’t know how he does it, but he sure is great at it!

Glen is in 8th grade and getting so tall and deep voiced, I don’t recognize him anymore. He is a big help around the house as are all the children, and still a computer wiz. So proud of him.

We moved Glen out of the bonus room with Matthew and into his own room. So now all the crap from the home office is dumped in the garage. One mess after another, what can I say. But Glen’s room looks great, and he is happy to have his own personal space – – as is Matthew.

Kim. My dear sweet Kim. I think it was about the time she fell off the bandwagon at the Mayo Clinic in August, 2011, that I stopped blogging altogether. It was just too painful. Her life has not been the same since that fateful day that nearly cost her her life. Without going into details, just know that she is recovering, very slowly, and will never be completely the same as before. Please keep her in your prayers as she raises her daughter, Reagan, and enjoys her beautiful family with Zak, the most wonderful son-in-law ever.

Kathleen has taken up photography as a profession, and appears to be doing well in Virginia. Hoping this continues for her and her journey in this life.

My mother, Mary, is as feisty as ever. She just turned 89, and although she grows weaker by the day, she is so precious to me and I love her being here with me and my family all these years.

What you may not know is that my brother, Billy, passed away in October, 2012. 10-11-12 to be exact. Right in the middle of an interview at a bank in Georgia. We miss him terribly. It was all so sudden. He was 60y/o. This picture was taken just 3 months before his death.

I’ve been painting, working on commissions, and creating some work of my own. Staying busy, and hoping that I will feel the desire to keep my blog moving along – in every category. I, especially, enjoy looking back on the stories and the images that make up our life.

Thank you for being here and sharing this journey with me.