Reagan’s First Words in Monotone

Reagan’s talking now. She does not yet say “Mama or Dada,” although she is trying, she can, however, say “I can’t do that … and I won’t!” Yes, you heard me right. You see, her mother, my daughter, Kimberly, was filming Reagan playing, and asked her to do that “head” thing again. Reagan apparently did not want to do it again, so she answered “I can’t do that … and I won’t” and then she proceeded to roll over. Imagine Kim’s amazement when she found herself answering Reagan with “Yes you can” only to take a double-take … no doubt thinking “Did I just answer my 9 month old daughter?” and “Did Reagan just tell me that she can’t do that?” Of course, Kim, Zak, and all of us were left scratching our heads, because you see, Reagan is only 9 months old!
I thought you all would get a kick out of that!