Places in Pastel
I love painting in Pastel, and I especially love painting “Places” that have meaning to me or others. Every place has a personality of its own and affects us differently. If you have a special place you would like to commission in pastel, feel free to contact me on my “Contact” page in the top Navigation bar.

My brother, Mike, commissioned me to do a painting of Santorini, Greece, several years ago, based on a photo he had taken while there with his wife, Marcela. It was a challenge, but the end result was beautiful.
Prints of “Santorini” are available HERE.

Having grown up in Maryland, I wanted to create a series of paintings of my favorite place to visit – Annapolis. This was the first in that series. Annapolis, Maryland is a wonderful place live and visit in Maryland. Downtown Annapolis by the harbor is filled with fun, food, and sailing.
Prints of “Annapolis Harbor” are available HERE.

Second in my series of paintings on Annapolis. Main Street USA! The hometown feeling one gets when strolling and shopping in Annapolis, Maryland and on its Main Street. Having grown up in Maryland, and visiting Annapolis frequently, I must say that Annapolis was my favorite place to visit in Maryland. This painting is professionally framed and archival matted. Contact me for more information.
Prints of “Annapolis Main Street” are available HERE.

Third in my series on Annapolis. This painting was a commission from a Rear Admiral and his wife, as they were married in the Chapel.
The historic Naval Academy Chapel at the center of the Academy Yard in Annapolis, Maryland – and its landmark dome – are symbolic of the vital role that moral and spiritual guidance plays in the development of Midshipmen into Naval officers. The Naval Academy is also the final resting place of Revolutionary War naval hero John Paul Jones, whose words, “I have not yet begun to fight,” have inspired generations of naval officers. His crypt is located beneath the Naval Academy Chapel. A National Historic Site, the Naval Academy hosts more than one million tourists every year from all over the United States and around the world.
The architecture of the Naval Academy Chapel and its iconic dome are known throughout the entire Annapolis region as a point of pride in the state capital’s spectacular skyline. It is visible throughout the greater Annapolis area and the Naval Academy Yard as a beacon calling midshipmen, alumni, friends, faculty and staff to a point of deeper faith.
Prints of “The Naval Academy Chapel” are available HERE.

Fourth in my series on Annapolis. A quiet little town that is the capital of Maryland. It sits on the Severn River and Chesapeake Bay. Annapolis. A place filled with comfort, good food, quiet sailing, squeaky wood docks, the sound of splashing water where the boats are docked. Annapolis. Home to the United States Naval Academy and home to midshipmen who roam the streets and brick sidewalks of Annapolis town. Memories are made here, and are not soon forgotten. Sitting atop the rooftops and shops of Annapolis, you will see a church steeple, the dome of the Capital building, and the glorious green and gold dome of the Naval Academy Chapel. The USNA Chapel is the Pride of Annapolis.
Depicted here are the masts of the sailboats docked in Annapolis, and the shops and rooftops of local shops and homes surrounding the beautiful chapel.
Prints of “Pride of Annapolis” are available HERE.

Fifth in my series on Annapolis. Sunrise over Annapolis Harbor. The boats wake up to the morning waiting for some time on the bay.
Prints of “Harbor Lights” are available HERE.

This painting is of the CSX Train making its way thru Waxhaw, North Carolina, near Main Street.
Prints of “Right on Track” are available HERE.

Waxhaw, North Carolina is a quiet little town about 45 minutes South of uptown Charlotte. It is one of our favorite places to visit! The art, food, crafts, antique shops, and people, are so very nice. We live in the next town over, so we visit Waxhaw frequently. In 2015, I participated in the “Paint the Town” event in Waxhaw, and set up my plein air easel and pastels on a large deck surrounding a huge oak tree across from Maxwell’s Tavern on Main Street. This painting is my attempt at capturing the essence of our small town. Come and visit Waxhaw sometime! Enjoy the horse farms, rolling acres, great food and fun!
This painting is Available and professionally framed and matted.
Prints of “Waxhaw Main Street & Maxwells” are available HERE.

In March, 2015, my family and I visited the Biltmore in Asheville, North Carolina for the first time. An exciting and beautiful place to visit. What struck me the most, though, aside from the “6” John Singer Sargent paintings, 2 Renoir’s, and the Zorn painting, were the views. As you step outside and look across the landscape, you can’t help but have a sense of Heaven. The Blue Ridge Mountains in the distance, the rolling hills and the numerous trees. Simply beautiful. This painting is my interpretation of the beauty from the Biltmore, seen on the terrace in the back of the mansion.
Prints of “View from the Biltmore” are available HERE.

We love the Blue Ridge Mountains! They are beautiful all year, but especially beautiful in the Winter.
Prints of “Higher Ground in Winter” are available HERE.
More to come!