Back in the Saddle
I’m so excited to start painting again. Yesterday was the first time I have stepped into an art store in over 2 years. Big Bear took me to Cheap Joe’s in Asheville to get a few supplies I will need. They didn’t have pochade boxes, so I ordered one online. They also were out of kneaded erasers (can you believe that?!!!) But I was able to purchase some charcoal pencils and a portfolio to hold finished pastel paintings.
It’s been a long and difficult 2 years, but I’m ready to focus on painting once again … at least in pastels. I do not feel comfortable painting in oils here in this apartment. Too many chemicals and difficulties cleaning up for this small space, so that will have to wait until we move into our new home (I hope I live that long!) Seriously, we haven’t even broke ground yet. So many variables to get our house plans and details with the builder worked out.

I ordered the Heilman Designs Double Sketchbook Box with the 18″ easel to attach to a tripod – that we will have to dig out of one of our 4 large storage garages.

I ordered the Blue Earth full Soft Pastel set. I particularly love the way the square pastels are organized by hue and value. I got a pack of 9×12 pastel paper and a roll of glassine, some pastel pencils too. I think I’m set. I feel like a little girl in the Barbie isle of a Toy’s R Us while in that art store!

From chronic back pain and caring for my mother, to 3 spinal surgeries and a long and difficult recovery, to selling our home and moving to an apartment, to buying property in the mountains and deciding on house plans, to the death of my mother, and now being an empty nester, it’s been a lot to deal with these past 2 years. I’m grateful life seems to be calming down a bit, but we also have a grandson who will be making an appearance around early October!
I’m back in the saddle and ready to start painting. I’m actually a bit nervous and anxious about it. I hope my work won’t be garbage liners. Wish me luck!
Thank you to artist friend, Laura Pollak,Ā for her wonderful recommendations on products to help me get back in the saddle again!

Comments (15)
Sharon Price
November 26, 2022 at 3:35 pm
Iāve been away from painting for two years as well, and have had a roller coaster of life happening too. I just started painting again myself!
Susan Culbert
July 22, 2022 at 3:59 pm
Leave your trepidation at the door and just play. The pastels and the paper will lead you. Think of the warm-ups opera singers require and realize their importance. Free form, wide ranging, notes. Enjoy this!! šØ
Barbara Tapp
July 21, 2022 at 4:01 pm
So happy and excited for you Susan
Enjoy the adventure
Hope Brookins
July 20, 2022 at 4:07 pm
Cannot wait to see your new work!
Lauren Spearman
July 20, 2022 at 4:06 pm
Treat yourself to some water soluble oil pastels too. They are a real treat. You can satisfy your painting itch without all the chemicals and such. I know you would do amazing work with them and other mixed media. I am usually a watercolor artist but I love incorporating the watercolor oil pastels in a lot of my work as well
Caroline Patrick BorNei
July 20, 2022 at 4:02 pm
Sounds like my life the last 2 years also.
Hope your considering feng shui for those floor plans!
And build a great studio. I was living in Sedona, teaching art for the city, was in a gallery and had 2 strokes within 12 hours, so went back to square one, back to family in WA and now after 3 years finding my art supplies and will most likely be living in Portland by 2023.
Love those art stores. My last visit to a real one was in Fort Collins, CO. Could live in the big real art supply stores. I think it was cheap Joes or one similar, last year. My 2 grandson just graduated college and are at sea with their research jobs, so time to be ME againā¦.. enjoy your new life. Share your next paintingsā¦please.
Eleonora Ginnis
July 19, 2022 at 4:08 pm
Art in Asheville? Nothing better!! You so deserve it! Can wait to see what you come up with.
Jenifer McKenzie Burbank
July 19, 2022 at 4:04 pm
Susan, so much has been on your plate over the last 2 to 3 years and now being an empty nester is not as bad as it initially feels. We grow as the years pass. I think that you getting back in to painting is a wonderful thing. Whenever I start a new endeavor I always say ” Let the adventure begin.” I look forward to seeing your masterpieces, truly. I still treasure the painting that you did of little Luc for my friend Dawn and I know that your talent is still there. Enjoy… Luv Jen
Laura Pollak
July 19, 2022 at 4:00 pm
YOU ARE READY!!! Get Dusty!!!
Rick Johnson
July 19, 2022 at 3:58 pm
Barbara A McVey
July 19, 2022 at 3:57 pm
Exciting new adventure. Looking forward to those new art pieces. Just for future reference, I use water mixable oils. None of those fumes
Elaine Gantman Meltzer
July 18, 2022 at 7:17 pm
So many beautiful vistas to create!!
Looking forward to seeing your next work
Nancy Gregg
July 18, 2022 at 4:09 pm
Do you take both sets when you paint en plein air?
Dee Sanchez
July 18, 2022 at 4:03 pm
Try Royal Talens Cobra paints – they are buttery and clean up with water.
Sara Mathewson
July 18, 2022 at 3:56 pm
Yummy Pastels