There once was a boy named Samuel
Who was born in a small mountain town
We waited a while
To see his bright smile
And felt the true blessing of Emmanuel
And week after week that went by
We could see twinkles in his blue eyes
There was so much joy
At the sight of this boy
That our hearts could testify
It’s true that this boy named Sam
Would surely grow up to be quite the man
We could not prepare
For this answer to prayer
He’s a treasure from the great I am
He is A Boy Named Sam
By Mary Susan Vaughn
To her grandson Samuel
November 29, 2022
Each week, I will share a new Sam-Meme
He has the funniest expressions, and we can’t resist imagining what Sam must be thinking
I think you’ll enjoy Sam’s thoughts as much as we do creating them
The Greatest Gift …
There is no other way to say it … a baby, a new life, is the greatest gift in this life. Our children, our grandchildren, our parents, they are all miracles as we discover what it means to “love” and “be loved” by those we call “family.” We have a new family member, born October 2nd, and his name is Samuel, meaning “God has heard.” And He surely has heard our prayers and hopes for this wonderful baby boy who has filled our hearts to the brim with joy.
There are no words to express how much this little guy is loved. And he has the most interesting expressions I’ve ever seen. Every image conjures up a Meme to go with his facial expressions. This precious bundle of joy has a sense for comedy, and he doesn’t even know it yet. LOL
So, let me introduce you to Samuel … the first child and beautiful son of our daughter, Sarah, and her husband, Matt.

All the Glory be to God for His enormous Love, Grace, and blessing our family with Samuel this year. Our hearts are full.
From my beautiful daughter, Sarah:
Samuel’s 1st Thanksgiving!
“This thanksgiving looks a little different than past years. This year we celebrated within smaller dimensions but bigger hearts. This year was filtered through hungry interruptions that created meaningful quiet opportunities of thanks. This year I focused more intently on God’s provision for us this year, and His so many answered prayers, and I can only sit wordlessly in quiet pondering gratitude. This year held the greatest joy I have tangiblely felt, the greatest love I’ve ever known, and the greatest opportunity to walk in the unknown I’ve ever had – and for that, I am immensely grateful.
All Praise and Glory to the One who sits on the throne with the Name above all names – the God who truly heals, hears, provides, calls, and loves. Amen.”