America’s Promise Wins First Place!

“America’s Promise”
36×54 Oil on Canvas
“Patriotism” Exhibition
Capitol Arts Network
July, 2007
This was an exciting week. Bob drove up to Maryland with our daughter, Sarah, last Monday with my painting and delivered it to the Washington Gallery and School of Photography in Bethesda, Maryland for the exhibition that was starting on July 13. Then he drove back home on Tuesday and Sarah stayed with her best friend for the week and enjoyed swimming in their pool in Woodbine, Maryland.
Then he drove back to Maryland on Thursday with me, our 2 sons, and our German Shepherd, Adolf. We drove thru the Blue Ridge Mountains going up and it was a magnificent drive thru the mountains and the weather was wonderful too.
Friday night we all went to the Washington Gallery for the reception for the Capitol Arts Network “Patriotism” exhibition where my painting “America’s Promise” was on exhibit with 20 other fine art pieces from 15 artists. We enjoyed mingling with the other artists, the jurors, and the patrons who were enjoying the Bethesda Art Walk. Over 100 people walked thru the gallery and enjoyed the show.
My painting was voted “First Place” in the exhibition and I received a check for that honor. It was a humbling experience, and a true validation to me as an artist. I find it difficult to express how thrilled I was that my painting would be recognized for such an honor.
The painting will be on exhibit at the Washington Gallery and School of Photography until August 5th. The gallery is located on Rugby Avenue, Bethesda, Maryland.
Thank you to everyone who supported me in this event.