A Moment of Christmas Reflection
To All my Friends:

A moment of reflection. Over the 13 years or so I’ve been on Facebook, I’ve connected with dear childhood friends and high school friends, friends made throughout my life, and family who live in other States. I’ve even found family that only this year did I discover they existed thanks to Ancestry.com. I’ve come to know many wonderful people, many of whom are professional visual artists, who are brilliantly creative. A few of my new friends I have made on social media have become dear and special friends that I communicate with frequently outside of social media, and they are a real blessing in my life.
Over the years I’ve lost a few of these friends to cancer, and a good number of them have lost spouses and children, loved ones, and siblings, to illness, cancer, or accidents. Four years ago I lost a childhood friend. What was thought to be pneumonia took her life at the tender age of 59. Sudden and without warning she is gone from our life. I think of her often. She was my first friend at age 5, and my first best friend. So many wonderful memories, as we were friends for 54 years. A number of my friends are struggling with being alone and/or with depression, moving or divorce. It puts life into perspective, as I reflect on the precious lives of each and everyone I am connected with in this life.

I care about each of you and am grateful for all that you lend to my life. If I can help any of you in some way, with love, compassion, guidance, hugs, laughter, friendship, conversation, or a place to stay, I am here for you. I value our friendship, and know that we are all in this life journey together in one form or another, and each of us are learning from one another along the way. Thank you for all you have shared and taught me in this life.
I am humbled by the beautiful works of art I see daily in my social media newsfeed, and the goodness and stories that many of you share. I’ve learned so much from you all – from personal courage, scripture, God’s grace, and the power of prayer, to cooking and painting tips and more. It has been an adventure for me, and it reminds me daily that I am but a blip in this world. And, if I can make a difference in someone’s life, or bring a smile or a laugh to your day, I will have done something good, albeit small. I feel empathy and compassion for others, especially those who are suffering and struggling, and wish, this Christmas, for this coming new year to bring you good health, abundant happiness, security, true love, prosperity, plenty of hugs, and all that your heart desires. I wish this for you.

Thank you for letting me share my life, family, pets, and art with you. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for correcting me when I make mistakes, praying for me when needed, and for sharing in my joys, struggles, concerns, and moments of reflection.
Mostly, thank you for sharing your life with me. Thank you for reading my blog posts here on Raisin Toast. Thank you for your comments and time. Wishing you a blessed and very Merry Christmas, and a happy, healthy new year.
