A Jitterbug Quilt

I’ve been busy for 2 weeks piecing together the quilt top for the Jitterbug Quilt.

Lots of piecing and lots of strips. All from a Thirties Jellyroll. The thing about making this quilt is that I wasn’t a big fan of most of the fabric strips. However, once I started piecing the quilt top, it looked a lot better.

And I was hoping it would look as beautiful as this quilt which was on the cover of “Layer Cake, Jelly Roll, and Charm Quilts” by Pam & Nicky Lintott. This is the reason I picked up the book! I fell in love with this quilt.

So, started piecing together my quilt, hoping that the Thirties Jelly Roll that I had would be as nice as the one used to make the quilt on the cover of the book. The quilt blocks didn’t look so bad and my points were pretty good too. It was coming together nicely.

Seriously, though, it was very difficult for me to piece together fabric that didn’t match.

To remind myself that I am not the only one who has made this quilt, I found this one made by a very nice lady in Georgia I think. She has it hanging in her quilt shop. I love it. It is just so colorful and happy.

Today I finished the quilt top and now I think it looks great. I am really happy with the finished top.

The next step is quilting and binding. This quilt top is 43 x 68 and much too large, I think, for me to machine quilt it. So, this may mean pulling out my quilt frame and hand quilting this quilt. You can be sure that when I finish quilting it and binding it, I will post a picture here! Wish me luck!