Aging: Staying Youthful and Beautiful

On April 27th, I turned 65y/o. Hard to believe as I reflect on my life. My mind is telling me I’m 30 … well, maybe 40, my body is telling me I’m probably 70. My energy level is definitely 65, and my mirror tells me I am my mother. LOL. It is what it is, and a long time ago I decided to embrace my aging and ever-changing body by first letting my hair go gray in my 40s. There were 3 times I had an allergic reaction to hair color and told myself “screw it” and I shaved off all my hair … starting over. It was liberating and it felt great!!! I finally realized that coloring my hair actually made me look older, not younger.

As we age, our skin tone changes, our eyes change color and the whites of our eyes get a bit grayer. Our teeth are not as white as in our youth, and our hair is getting thinner. And, you should note that when we color our hair, not only are all those chemicals being absorbed into our blood stream (which is definitely not healthy and definitely a cancer risk), but the haircolor of our youth does not look natural anymore. This is because the pigment in our skin has changed along with the graying of our hair.

I have discovered I get more compliments by strangers on my natural hair, than I ever did when I colored it. So, maybe, in your effort to stay youthful and to feel good about yourself, you might just want to let the beautiful hair God gave you shine through. I promise you this … your hair and body will thank you, you will look better, and the color of your hair will be the perfect shade for your complexion. I had to learn the hard way, but I’m glad I got tired of the mess and expense early on, and decided to go gray. I love my hair!!!

I will say, though, that my hair has been thinning as I have aged. Stress can and will cause women to lose hair. I’m not losing any hair now, but boy-oh-boy, about 5 years ago, I had a lot of hair between my fingers when I showered. I don’t know if it was hormonal or caused by stress, but I was throwing a lot of hair into the trash. With that experience, I learned that how I deal with stress and life events was important to keeping my hair on my head. I took a daily multivitamin (Olly Multivitamin for Women), I rested my weary mind more, and I tried to deal with a stressful life and family situations with a bit more calm. It wasn’t always easy, and sometimes downright impossible, but my awareness of what I needed to do was key to living a healthier life. It’s important to recognize that stress can and will affect your body, your mind, and your overall health. Learning to find ways to reduce stress in your life is the best way to prevent illness, high blood pressure, stroke, hair loss, wrinkles, cancer, and even an early demise. So, on your journey for a more beautiful you as you age, trying new ways to reduce stress will be key. You might want to try Yoga or Meditation, take up a craft, painting, sewing, or a sport you love. I love to take walks, especially when the weather is nice. Think about it and give something you are interested in a try.

I’m taking up a new craft – working with Clay and making bowls, cups, and palettes that can be used with watercolors and gouache. I will always love to paint in oils and pastels, but I’ve always wanted to learn to work with clay. I just started learning this craft and I love it. I’ve always loved working with my hands, and for me, learning a new craft is beneficial to staying youthful and enjoying life.

As for aging skin, I’ve been caring for my own complexion since my 20s. I have discovered products that work well for me, and ultimately, that is what you will have to find too … products that don’t claim miracles, but will provide your complexion with the nourishment it needs to stay healthy. Personally, I love the way my complexion looks at 65y/o. I will share links to the products I use at the end of this post, and know that I am “not” receiving any commission for promotion of any product or company. I don’t have ads on my blog, and I share what I know is working for me. So, if you do take a stroll through my “Retail Therapy” link in my Navigation bar, you will find all kinds of products I use and endorse. Nope, I don’t even have a business Amazon account to generate commissions either. Just letting you know that the products I share here are legitimately mine and work well for me.

Aging skin, wrinkles, age spots, sagging jowls, and a floppy double neck are all a part of the journey of aging. Sadly, there are many celebrities who have opted for plastic surgery only to end up looking ridiculous in their effort to look younger and stay relevant. Yes, there are some products out there that may help hold back time a little bit, but personally, I think going under the knife might be a bit drastic, but that is just my opinion. If it works for you and makes you feel better about yourself, then by all means “go for it!” But, make sure you have researched your doctor thoroughly, have seen before and after photos of patients that were legitimately “your doctor’s” patients, and not photos from a medical stock photo website. Do your due diligence and your results will hopefully be subtle enough to make a huge impact on your appearance and how you feel about yourself, as well as “not” looking like you just went under the knife. Just some things to think about on your journey to looking more youthful as you age. Also, although I’ve never had Botox, I understand that it can be dangerous if not properly injected by a professional. As for me, no thanks! I’m embracing my wrinkles and complexion that shows that I have lived life. I’ve earned my share of wrinkles.

Smoking is another huge aging no-no. If you are a smoker, you will find, as you age, that it affects your teeth, your skin, the aging of your skin, your hair, your nails, and your overall health and appearance from the inside – out. Hope I’m not being anyone’s buzz kill here, but I’m just stating the obvious. If you smoke to lose weight or relieve stress, I promise you there are healthier ways to lose weight and relieve stress. You can invest in all the beauty products that are out there, and still look old and haggard from smoking. It’s time to change your life for the better … start with throwing out those nasty smoke sticks, have a complete physical, start a healthy diet, get some exercise, and I promise in time you will feel much better. The key is to slow down aging on the surface and how we feel about ourselves, not speed up the wagon ride. Take heart, any change we make for healthier living is difficult, and discipline is not always on our radar. Keep moving. Stay focused on the prize … the goal … the better health and longer life to live with your family. I promise it will be worth it.

Some of us have issues with our health that are inescapable. Cancer, heart disease, MS, (or in my case, spinal disease), or another disease that has wreaked havoc on our body and mind. These health problems can lead to medications that take their toll on our liver despite being meant to keep us alive and as healthy as possible. These medications may promote hair loss, aging skin, brittle nails, weight gain, and other issues we can’t avoid. Talk to your doctor about your medications and concerns, and see if there is anything you might be able to change, or something you can do to prevent the negative impact that some medications will have. (This photo is of me, taken about 12 years ago, right before I started getting spinal steroid injections every 3 months for 10 years. I gained about 50 lbs as a result of those injections. No fun)

These crosses in our life, those hurts that cause great pain, are crippling or damaging to our health, body, and mind … can cause so many other issues that we can’t avoid … like depression. As one who suffers from depression now and then, I know how difficult it can be to pull myself out of a dark place. You’ll never feel beautiful as long as you feel horrible. And, when I say “beautiful” I mean inside and out. Feeling good about yourself begins with the voice in your head and what you tell yourself about how you feel and how you look. Be patient. Life is not an easy ride. Love and loss, physical and mental pain, disease and illness, life altering accidents, even taking care of others, can be detrimental to the voice in your head and how you feel about yourself. You are not alone, even when you feel you are the only one feeling defeated, I promise you are not alone … and there are support groups where you can make new friends and meet people who share your pain and/or grief (better yet, you can make some wonderful friends at church!). All of these obstacles in life have an affect on how we age … and how we accept our aging body and mind. Making new friends can make us feel younger too.

I love roller coasters. I’m a front seater too, with my arms up in the air and feeling that wind blasting across my face. As in life, there are times that are smooth sailing, other times we find ourselves climbing a steep mountain, then “bam!” we are spiraling downward at full speed, and then riding through the twists and turns in a way that leaves our stomach in our throat. My best advice … embrace the ride. Life is a roller coaster. There are times it will be taking us on twists and turns that get us all knotted up inside. I’ve been on so many rides in my life I’ve lost count. Just think of it this way … growing old is a privilege not granted to everyone. So, when you see someone and think “I wish I were her,” just know that the person you are admiring has had their own share of crosses to bear in life and I’m not sure you’d want to trade if you knew what they were. Remember this … you’ve survived 100% of every cross and trial this life has thrown your way. Seriously … 100%!!! You are strong. You are a survivor. You are beautiful just the way you are.

Aging is about living life day after day the best we can, and hopefully reflecting on the lives of others and not just ourselves. The best gift I have ever given myself is the gift of giving and helping others, being there for friends and family, and being present in the lives of the people I love and share my life with. If you share in this as well, I hope that those in your life have also been present for you when you’ve needed it. Friends and family are important to feeling good about ourselves, our purpose, and our life. “Be kind” is not just a catch phrase going around now, but it holds a lot of truth. Sometimes being kind can result in less stress, less conflict, and a healthier mindset. So, “Be Kind” … you’ll be more beautiful as a result.

Aging and how we feel about ourselves can be connected in many ways, as you’ve probably gathered from this post. Just do your best for “you” as often as you can. Take pride in your wrinkles and scars from life. You’ve been on a journey that is uniquely your own. Replenish your faith, pray, feed your goals and your hopes, spend time with family and friends as you can, and reflect on what you can do to make your dreams happen, with good things that feed your inner peace. I promise that if you do this, you will find great happiness in your own unique personal beauty. You are beautiful … embrace it all.

I am not old… she said
I am rare. I am the standing ovation
At the end of the play

I am the retrospective
Of my life as art

I am the hours
Connected like dots
Into good sense. I am the fullness
Of existing

You think I am waiting to die…
But I am waiting to be found

I am a treasure.
I am a map, and these wrinkles are
Imprints of my journey

Ask me
anything – let me share my story

Author: Samantha Reynolds
Photo: Ingmari Lami

Products that I use and that have kept my complexion clear and healthy, and my hair full and healthy too:

Cold Pressed Castor Oil Organic – Pure & Free of Hexane, Solvents & GMOs

Amazing organic oil that will absolutely transform your complexion!!! Use 1/2 teaspoon with 3 drops of Frankincense, after you moisturize, or alone, massage into your face, even under the eyes and eyelids, before bed. Using the tape pictured below … instructions below, leave it on over night (with the tape) and you will be shocked at your skin in the morning!!! DO NOT put the tape under your eyes or on your eyelids!!! Ever!!!

GuruNanda Frankincense Essential Oil (0.5 Fl oz) – 100% Pure, Natural and Undiluted Diffuser Oil for Aromatherapy, Massages & DIY Recpies – Supports Join Health & Promotes Radiant Skin

Instructions above! For fabulous skin!! (and video link below for how to use these products) Watch this Reel on Facebook for how to use the Castor Oil, Frankincense, and Nexcare tape.

Nexcare Gentle Paper Tape, Medical Paper Tape, Secures Dressings and Lifts Away Gently – 1 In x 10 Yds, 2 Rolls of Tape

At night, after you moisturize with 1/2 tsp of Castor Oil (see above) and 3 drops of Frankincense, in the palm of your hand, massage into your face before bed. Place a strip on your forehead, between your eyes with a little strip where your #11 is, on each side of your nose along the creases in your cheeks, above your top lip, to the side of your eyes where your laugh lines are, and on your chin. Sleep with this on and in the morning, pull off the tape gently. Your face will feel wonderful!!!

Tea Tree Oil Face Soap and Eyelid Scrub – Handmade with Organic Ingredients (1 Pack) [Packaging May Vary]

I swear by this facial soap! My friend, Cecilia told me about this product, and it really works great. My skin feels clean without drying. A great facial cleansing soap.

Curel Daily Healing Body Lotion for Dry Skin, Hand and Moisturizer Repairs Skin Retains Moisture, with Advanced Ceramides Complex, 20 Ounce

I’ve been using this for years! I use it morning and night and after every time I wash my hands. I have sensitive skin, so finding this was a Godsend. It keeps my skin moisturized without feeling sticky or heavy, and absorbs quickly. Best overall moisturizer I’ve tried.

Humby – Blueberry Fields Shampoo and Conditioner

I swear by this set of shampoo and conditioner for those of us who are trying to take care of our gray hair. You will be shocked at what this does to strengthen and beautify your hair!!!


What has worked for you, in your life, that has helped give you a more positive body image?
How are you taking care of your body now?
Have you adjusted your expectations as you‘ve aged?
What do you do that contributes to positively embracing the way you look and feel about yourself?
Do you have any recommendations for relieving stress?

Comment below and share your story!!!


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