Thanksgiving Table Runner Day 4

Coming down the homestretch!!! Lay out the remaining pieces of your finished quilt block as shown

Working with the middle quilt block, turn one of the side pieces over so that they are right-sides together and begin pinning at the seams. It is important to match up the seams. Even when you do match them up they don’t always come out perfect, but if you don’t match the seams, it will really be a mess.

When you are done sewing one side together, press it open, then sew the other side, matching the seams and points first. Press it open and this is where you will be in the process.

Sew the remaining squares to the sides of the top and bottom rectangles

Press them open, and this is what you have now

Lay out each quilt block with 2 rectangular pieces on either side, making sure you have it all laid out correctly

You will have more seams and points to match now! Beginning in the middle, match the middle seams and points first, pin them in place, and work your way outward, pinning the seams and points, to each corner.

As I am pinning the pieces together, I am matching the seams before I pin them together and definitely before I sew

And when you are done sewing all three quilt blocks, they will look like this!

I feel this table runner is almost done! I love the quilt blocks! The design looks great!

Next step, you are going to pin a completed quilt block to one side of center quilt block. And remember, start pinning in the middle working your way out to the outer edge, matching seams and points as best you can.

And we are going to finish off this day with the center section of our quilt table runner top completed! This should be done in a day or two.

For those that don’t know, I am making the“Adelaide” table runner kit offered by “Connecting Threads” . This is a sew-a-long with me project. You can order your kit online, and when you get it, just pop on back here and we can sew together.