Finding a Shower Without Glass
We are trying to design our shower in the master bath of our new home build. The shower will be 6 ft x 4 ft. This is more difficult than you can imagine. From the size of the shower to fit your space, to choosing tiles, shower heads, and whether to have a built in seat, or just put one in there as needed – it is more work than I anticipated, even for a small home like ours. Our new home build has nothing fancy going on, just a home that will be comfortable and inviting, with lots of light filtering through (our home will be facing NNW for wonderful angled light)
We are trying to design our shower in the master bath of our new home build. The shower will be 6 ft x 4 ft. This is more difficult than you can imagine. From the size of the shower to fit your space, to choosing tiles, shower heads, and whether to have a built in seat, or just put one in there as needed – it is more work than I anticipated, even for a small home like ours. Our new home build has nothing fancy going on, just a home that will be comfortable and inviting, with lots of light filtering through (our home will be facing NNW for wonderful angled light).

We have decided, though, that there are a few things that are important to us in our home …
A large real stone fireplace and hearth where we can cozy up by the fire on cold winter nights
A front porch for rocking with a cup of hot tea with honey and breathing the fresh mountain air
A Chef’s kitchen for my sweetie with a 6-burner gas range, a full-size side-by-side refrigerator/freezer, and double oven
An expansive walk-in closet in the master bedroom and the other bedrooms too if we can fit them in
Linen Closets on both sides of the house, because bathroom cabinets don’t have the space, and neither do walk-in closets
A room for our Yamaha Baby Grand Piano so that Matthew can entertain family and friends who visit
A spacious laundry room with cabinets, a countertop for folding, and a large stainless steel utility sink with sprayer
A commercial whole house water filtration system – no more hard water if we can help it
An Art Studio that is large enough for painting, crafting, sewing, and quilting with lots of windows; and,
A comfortable Master Bath with storage, a vanity, a soaking tub, and a spacious shower … which brings me to this post.
When I think back on our Master Baths over the last 30 years, it’s easy to say I know exactly what we need and want for the last family home we will ever live in, so that is why it is so important to get it right. So, this home will really be our dream home when all is said and done. The journey started two years ago, but every day we are closer to breaking ground, and that is so exciting.
It seems that every week, Big Bear is tackling another project in the quest to get our house plans done. It has been no small task, and he has taken a deep dive into every aspect of our home build from addressing changes to the house plans to staking out the lot, 2x6s to placement of outlets, stonework to brickwork, colors of siding to color of brick, cabinetry to appliances, hardwood flooring to tiles, stonework to the color of the mortar, types of windows and doors to door hardware … He is getting best price and information on all of it. I am so proud of him for the time and energy he has put into making this build go smoothly and without any questions (hopefully) about cost-to-build plus labor. This week, he has been focusing on types of interior doors and type of shower we want in our Master Bath. Which lead to this post .

Showers … they really are a personal choice when you are building your own home, and an important choice at that. Who would have thought that so much detail and consideration would have to be made for a shower. We have discovered it is very important. A lot of time is spent in the bathroom (unfortunately), so make it comfortable, uncluttered, and relaxing. Right?
***I can’t tell if this shower in the photo has glass or not. If “not” then I want it. LOL
About Glass … If you don’t use a squeegee and clean it immediately after every shower, the water droplets and soap scum build up and streak the glass. And believe me, I’ve had to clean glass that was so badly stained you could barely see through it! And guess whose job it is to clean the shower glass? You guessed it – Mine. It’s a job I’m retiring. As far as I’m concerned we can live without the glass walls and glass shower door.
***I really like the look of this glass shower door with the dividers … until I have to clean them, and then I’m sure I would be questioning my decision. Still, it sure looks nice.
Cleaning shower glass walls and door: I’ve tried just about every soap scum, hard water, shower glass cleaner I could find on the market, and let me tell you, the only thing that ended up working on a 22y/o shower with a lot of streaks, hard water stains, and soap scum, was an electric sander and a gentle sandpaper with soft scrub on the sandpaper. I was laid up in pain for days after cleaning that glass … there was so much of it too! It’s a back breaking job I can do without. I’m not getting any younger.

***Now see! This is a nice walk-in shower! And except for maybe steaming up the window, this is my kind of shower.
Of course, we wouldn’t want the neighbors peeking in the window, but it looks like they have frosted glass on the bottom half of the window, so the neighbors would have to be tall or climb a tree if they want to peek. LOL
And about windows in the shower or by the tub … Do NOT put blinds on the windows. Cleaning blinds in your bathroom is just as dirty a job as cleaning all the glass around your shower. Use frosted glass if necessary.

So, when my Big Bear came to me late tonight, and shows me photos of showers with glass surrounds, I immediately said an emphatic “No.” Because at almost 65y/o, I don’t want to clean another glass enclosed shower – EVER.
Why can’t someone invent a glass that rarely ever needs cleaning with anything other than a rinse of warm water and a quick wipe down with a soft cloth (you don’t want to scratch the glass)I? Until then, my vote is for “NO GLASS.”

***See! Now this works! And I really like how it is located behind the tub too. Pretty snazzy if you ask me.
I like it! I’ve seen some beautiful walk-in showers, but even many of those have at least one wall section that is glass. Why? If your shower is a small space, I think you should be able to lower the floor about 4 inches and have a shower-head that doesn’t soak outside the shower itself. Or, if you don’t want to step down into your shower, just have it ever-so-slightly angle to the back wall towards a long built in drain. But, of course, this is my opinion, and not everyone shares my practical view on showers.
I’m pretty sure this is what my Big Bear is afraid that I am referring to when I say no glass walls – A small concrete space with no natural light and a feeling of being in a cave. To my sweetie … NO, this is not what I am envisioning.

***I like this shower! See the long drain on left wall. That is what I was referring to above. The floor is slightly angled towards the drain and it all flows to that back wall.
Nifty, until you slip and fall in the tub, or you have to clean the tub because of all the splattering of shampoo and body wash settling in the bottom after every shower. It’s at this point, when you really want to soak in a hot tub of water with Mr. Bubble, that you realize that may never happen again. Instead, it will probably be used as a hamper for your after shower wash cloths and dirty towels. I can see it now. No thanks.
***You see, this shower is nice. A bit small, but nice. I still would not want to have to clean all that glass.
Yes, the look of “clean” glass surrounding your wonderful shower space in the master bath is your dream spa, but if cleaning your shower space is going to make you cuss and give up, then it’s time to rethink the decision for a fancy glass enclosed shower.

Think about it for a minute … don’t athletic showers for sports teams have simple walk in showers? NO GLASS … just tile walls and floors? Why do you think that is? It’s simply because NOBODY wants to be responsible for keeping the glass clean. It’s difficult enough keeping the tile and grout clean! Only a shower that nobody ever uses should have glass walls – but that’s just my opinion. And that is why I’m taking a poll …
What are your thoughts on showers with glass walls? Let’s take a vote …
Create your own user feedback survey
Comments (30)
Muffie Baer
January 29, 2024 at 1:26 pm
Can you draw the 6×4 ? Are there 2 sides that have glass ? Or are there 3 sides that have wall, and one that would have glass ?
Robert K. Vaughn
January 29, 2024 at 7:39 am
Muffie, Facing the shower from inside the bathroom ….
Solid wall, floor to 10’ ceiling on left side of shower
Solid wall (floor to ceiling) across back wall of shower. Shower heads on this wall.
Right side wall (4’-0”) can be glass or a stub partial wall. This is the 36” walk-in opening side. A full glass wall w/ door was the original plan.
Front wall was supposed to be all glass, floor to ceiling ( could be 3/4 height glass). There was an option to have a 36” knee wall across front wall with partial glass
The concern is keeping the glass clean from a practical sense but on the other hand remember that the glass wall were the source of natural light for the shower and a means of managing water/over-spray from showering
Gwen Meyer Ethelbah
January 29, 2024 at 1:26 pm
I read the article…and as much as I LOVE glass and the feeling of spaciousness, the article was right: glass is a pain to clean unless you have distilled water piped in. Our neighborhood with wells, etc., would not be a candidate at all. Hardest water I ever ran into – which means everywhere water dries, it leaves a puddle of calcium, rust, etc. and you must constantly replace the pipes.
January 29, 2024 at 5:20 pm
YES!!! That was our problem in Weddington for 17 years! The water was so hard! We ultimately put in a commercial water treatment filtration system for the whole house and what a difference! If I remember correctly, it was only like $2000 to set it up in our garage. It was a huge thing, but well worth it. I wish we had done it when we moved into our home in 2005! I’m not sure they had one as elaborate as the one we got, though, back in 2005. Still, we will be putting in the same unit in our new home.
Gwen Meyer Ethelbah
January 29, 2024 at 12:10 pm
Good for you!
Robert K. Vaughn
January 29, 2024 at 1:00 pm
Muffie, Facing the shower from inside the bathroom ….
Solid wall, floor to 10’ ceiling on left side of shower
Solid wall (floor to ceiling) across back wall of shower. Shower heads on this wall.
Right side wall (4’-0”) can be glass or a stub partial wall. This is the 36” walk-in opening side. A full glass wall w/ door was the original plan.
Front wall was supposed to be all glass, floor to ceiling ( could be 3/4 height glass). There was an option to have a 36” knee wall across front wall with partial glass
The concern is keeping the glass clean from a practical sense but on the other hand remember that the glass wall were the source of natural light for the shower and a means of managing water/over-spray from showering
Joseph Suarez
January 29, 2024 at 6:19 am
I like no glass. Less to clean all the time especially if you have hard water. A place I stay in in Munich had showers without glass or screens. All stone that drained quickly. Never cold in the bath room when the door was closed and the vent going.
January 29, 2024 at 5:15 pm
YES! This is my opinion too … I actually take steamy hot showers, and even if the door is closed in the bathroom, it gets hot and humid in there. Whenever I shower, I close our bedroom door and keep the shower door and the bathroom door open. It cuts down on steaming up the mirror too, but I haven’t had an issue with being cold out of the shower. Yes, it’s colder when I step out, but for me, it actually feels good after a super hot shower.
Muffie Baer
January 28, 2024 at 10:14 pm
We just had both of our showers done.
January 29, 2024 at 5:21 pm
I bet they look beautiful!
Muffie Baer
January 28, 2024 at 10:12 pm
That is all that’s holding up the build ????
January 29, 2024 at 5:22 pm
No silly! That is just what Bob is working on right now. He is costing out materials and everything from contractor builders supply resources and making sure we know everything we want is priced out so that there are no financial surprises. He began working on this and making minor changes to the houseplans last year when interest rates went way up. We will need to still get a mortgage, but not at those interest rates! Waiting on things to change has been good anyway since we are caring for Sam 3-4 days a week while Sarah and Matt work. We enjoy being close to them. Living in the apartment isnt’ easy, but it’s fine. We have a roof over our heads and we are together, and that is what matters most. Everyone is doing well. Hope you and Hutch are well. We miss you guys! Love you Muffie ❤
Lisa Burnett
January 28, 2024 at 8:25 pm
A friend installed a half glass wall on the shower, and he said he regrets it. It gets cold-doesn’t keep heat in. He lives in California..
Kathy Detrano
January 28, 2024 at 8:20 pm
Susan, It is called Rain Glass with an irregular up and down texture ( like rain running down a window) and it disguises any water streaks..
So I am not a slave to the bathroom shower glass. It is also on parts of our hurricane windproof front door.
January 29, 2024 at 5:23 pm
I bet it looks really nice
Kathy Detrano
January 28, 2024 at 7:55 pm
Rain glass on all our showers….you cannot see streaks!!!!!
Pat Bardes
January 28, 2024 at 7:42 pm
I am in favor of a shower curtain because there is no need to squeegee it off all the time. Just throw it in the washer. As I get older I need things that look great but don’t need a lot of work to maintain. Now if you have a housekeeper that’s different.
January 29, 2024 at 5:24 pm
Me too, except I don’t care for shower curtains either.
Elizabeth Mitchell
January 28, 2024 at 7:30 pm
Glass it’s modern ,clean and beautiful .i squeegee after my shower ,it’s automatic now without thinking about ,takes 10 seconds
Echo Johnson Keller
January 28, 2024 at 7:29 pm
Maybe squeegee appeals to you. I would have to be in the mood. I would be too relaxed after a nice warm shower.
January 29, 2024 at 6:20 pm
that’s my problem . After a nice hot shower, the last thing I want to do is clean the glass
Echo Johnson Keller
January 28, 2024 at 8:03 pm
me, too. Because I hop into bed . If the shower head is at the far end away from the glass exit, not much spray will get on the glass. We had a long rectangle shaped shower enclosure. Very nice and roomy.
Echo Johnson Keller
January 28, 2024 at 8:04 pm
It also needs to be well lit.
Carol Vaughn
January 28, 2024 at 7:24 pm
Mary Susan, I agree with Christine DiMauro unless you lived near the equator where it was never cool in your home.
Kris Grover
January 28, 2024 at 6:33 pm
We have glass doors in our big shower. We squeegee them after every use, otherwise water residue looks poor. If I could get away with not having glass I would. Think heat control is a good idea for having doors.
Carol Vaughn
January 28, 2024 at 5:54 pm
It’s cold in the shower without the glass.
January 28, 2024 at 5:56 pm
you really think so? Even when you’re standing in a hot shower?
Christine DiMauro
January 28, 2024 at 6:12 pm
Oh absolutely it would be cold without glass. We have a new home with a new master bathroom. Large stall shower, with glass. Also a large room. When I open the door after the shower I’m always freezing.. the heat is kept inside the shower while the water is running. Without the glass I think I would freeze in the shower… squeegee works really well to keep everything clean and it takes very little time to do it (after every shower we take).
January 28, 2024 at 6:13 pm
Makes sense
Carol Vaughn
January 28, 2024 at 7:34 pm
Mary Susan, I agree with Christine DiMauro unless you lived near the equator where it was never cool in your home.