A Merry Christmas from Our Home to Yours

Here we are bringing another year to a close, it all goes by so fast I’m afraid to blink anymore. But here we are, thinking about 2024 and what the year might bring – and how we can survive the inundation of political ads and debates over the next 11 months without losing our minds. I know! Be creative! Focus on the things that make us truly happy, enjoy our family and friends, laugh more, love, and forgive always.

I’m just so happy to be where I am in life, that I wanted to take some time to reflect on that a bit. At 64y/o, life takes on new meaning. Family, friends, and reaching out to others in need, becomes more important. Appreciating the little things like a fire in the fireplace, a nap on a comfy bed or in a favorite chair, a delicious meal, a cup of hot cocoa with our feet up watching a movie, someone says something funny and causes a lot of laughter, is what truly matters. Oh, how these things mean so much in life. It is not about “things.” For me, it never has been about material things. Life isn’t life, for me anyway, without relationships and love, hugs and laughter, shared tears and worries, conversation and cuddles. And nature – the smell of fresh cut grass, or a flower that my Big Bear brings to me, or the smell of a fireplace burning aged oak wood, the quiet of a winter snowfall, the winds of autumn in the mountains, the feel of springtime sunshine on my face.

Or, the sight of my 14 month old grandson, Sam, toddling around us, all smiles and glee, to greet his new day. This baby boy has shared so much love and joy with our family, it is hard to describe just how remarkable the last 14 months have been for all of us. Sam is loaded with personality.
Things that I am reflecting on that have brought me joy this year:
Bob’s cooking and kindness, and ability to devote time and energy to help others and build our new home in the mountains.

Our daughter, Sarah’s, ministry to all of us, bringing us closer in our walk with Jesus. Whenever we have questions, she is there to answer them for us. She is a gifted Minister and Biblical Scholar. She has helped each of us, friends and family and congregants, deepen our relationship with Christ, read the Bible fervently, learn to deepen our faith, give to others, and trust God’s plan for our lives.
Our son, Matthew’s, outrageous laugh and humor, and his dedication to building a good life for himself and his wife and his incredible music, as he is a self-taught pianist.

Our grandson, Glen’s, willingness to always help when needed, and his incredible one-liners that stop us all in our tracks.
Sam … watching him grow and become a vital part of our family every day. His laughter and singing, his curiosity and hugs, his cuddles and nap snuggles, our conversations (he knows what he is saying even if I don’t. LOL). He reminds me daily of the innocence and love that is needed to sustain life and develop. How precious every day is … a gift that we should honor and be thankful for in prayer.

- Dear friends, who are very much a part of my family and the joy I have in this life.
We’ve been enormously blessed in this life. Bob and I have been married almost 31 years, and for the both of us, family is everything. I wouldn’t be where I am today if not for him and my family’s love and support. I’ve seen my art career take off in leaps and bounds in 30 years. It is humbling, and I am so grateful that I am able to do what I love – Painting, Quilting, Crafting, Writing, Blogging … these are the things that I do for myself; but, it is when they also bring joy to others that I feel as if I am giving back to others the gift that God gave me. We all need something in our life that we love to do just for us. I’ve been blessed to be able to do those things for many years, and I pray the same for each of you.
Bob and I grew up in Maryland, but North Carolina has become our home. We’ve lived here almost 20 years, and our children have grown up here. Moving here was the best decision we ever made. Now, we are in a different journey in life – we sold our beautiful home of 17 years and moved to the mountains. We decided to take on a big project – building our last home and building it ourselves! We purchased an almost 3 acre lot in The Coves of Mountain River Club in Lenoir, NC, and have been living in an apartment near our daughter and son-in-law, to help with the care of our newest member of the family – Samuel, while we plan the building process for our new home in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains.
I don’t take credit for any of this that we share in this life … It’s all God. I give all the glory to our Father in Heaven, and His Son, the Lord Jesus. Daily prayer and gratefulness, Faith. Can’t live without Him in my life. And I know that this life will lend itself to heartache, heartbreak, loss, pain, illness … it comes in different forms. These are the things of this world, and that is why we must make each day as kind to ourselves and others as possible. Be grateful … even in the darkest of times, it is what gets us through.
Now …
To All my Friends:
There are three places on the internet that bring me joy – My blog “Raisin Toast,” my online art gallery at “Mary Susan Vaughn Fine Art,” and, “Facebook.” Yes, Facebook. And here’s why:
Over the 15 years or so I’ve been on Facebook, I’ve connected with dear childhood friends and high school friends, friends made throughout my life, and family who live in other States. I’ve come to know many wonderful people, mostly artists, who are brilliantly creative and enormously inspirational in my own work. A few of my new friends, made online have become dear and special friends that I communicate with frequently outside of FB, and they are a real blessing in my life.
Over the years I’ve lost a few of these friends to cancer, and a good number of them have lost spouses and children, loved ones, and siblings, to illness, cancer, or tragic accidents. I lost a childhood friend recently. What was thought to be pneumonia took her life at the tender age of 59. Sudden and without warning she is gone from our life. She was my first friend at age 5, and my first best friend. So many wonderful memories, as we had been friends for 54 years. A number of my friends are struggling with being alone and/or with depression (I know this feeling all too well), moving, or divorce. It puts life into perspective, as I reflect on the precious lives of each and every person I am connected with in this life.
I care about each of you and am grateful for all that you lend to my life. If I can help any of you in some way, with love, compassion, guidance, hugs, laughter, friendship, conversation, or a place to stay, I am here for you. I value our friendship, and know that we are all in this life journey together in one form or another, and each of us are learning from one another along the way. Thank you for all you have shared and taught me in my life.
I am humbled by the beautiful works of art I see daily in my Facebook newsfeed, on Instagram, and on Linked In, and the goodness and stories that many of you share. I’ve learned so much from each of you – from personal courage, scripture, God’s grace, and the power of prayer, to cooking and painting tips and more. It has been an adventure for me, and it reminds me daily that I am but a blip in this world. And, if I can make a difference in someone’s life, or bring a smile or a laugh to your day, I will have done something good, albeit small. I feel empathy and compassion for others, especially those who are suffering and struggling, and wish, this Christmas, and for this coming new year, that life will bring your way good health, abundant happiness, security, true love, prosperity, plenty of hugs, and all that your heart desires. I wish this for you.
Thank you for letting me share my life, family, dreams, faith, and art with you. Thank you for being my friend. Thank you for correcting me when I make mistakes, praying for me and my family when needed, and for sharing in my joys, struggles, concerns, and moments of reflection.
Mostly, thank you for sharing your life with me. Wishing you a blessed and very Merry Christmas, and a happy, healthy new year. 🎄