A Festive Time of Year

It’s that time of year again, that time when we all look at our bank accounts and cringe just before we cry. LOL. Seriously though, I am cringing. Big time.

But the holidays bring much to be thankful for – for instance, Bob is gainfully employed, and I have had a wonderful year with commissions! Sarah is doing wonderful in college, Matthew and Glen are both doing great in high school. Yes, there is a lot to be thankful for. I’ve had another year of blessings and memories with my family, and my mother just turned 90y/o!

We have 2 trees this year. A live tree in our family room …

And an artificial tree in our living room. Matthew loves decorating the artificial tree in the living room, so it’s all his handiwork.

The wreath is hung in the front window and the candle lights are in each window. Makes me happy to see all the decorations and lights throughout our home.

Matthew also set up his Christmas village on our baby grand piano.

Wishing all my friends, family, and Raisin Toast readers a blessed Christmas and Holiday Season. Saying a little prayer for you that the new year brings happiness, health, prosperity, security, and wonderful memories.
Blessings to you, my friend …